A Great Society Untarnished By The Idiot Box

The secret of SocietyHub.org isn’t really a secret at all. We’re not attempting to “reinvent” society. We’re just attempting to revive the great American society that once existed. In a world that has become inundated with televisions and radios: televisions in your home, television-phones in your pocket, television-billboards on the highway, SocietyHub.org is a renunciation of the anti-American evils that the idiot box is dumping into our minds daily. When was the last time you went to your local restaurant, or store, or gym, or car dealership, and they weren’t playing some obscene, banging, screaming, excuse for music? At SocietyHub.org, we’re not just taking back our lives from the FAANG companies; we’re taking back American Civilization from the anti-American media profiteers appropriating our mind-space one Geico Lizzard, one McDonalds jingle, one slogan, one obscene lyric, one commercial at a time. Imagine what you’d be capable of if you could delete all the trash media dumps in your mind. At SocietyHub, other good Christian Americans want to help you find out.